Monday, April 4, 2016

Visions Art Show, April 11 thru April 13

Visions Art Show Begins April 11
The Visions Art Show is an annual event to showcase visual art created by district students and teachers. Schools are highlighted for three evenings from 5:30-7:30 p.m. at Lincoln Center (see list below). During the show, student artwork fills Lincoln Center hallways and pottery and sculpture fill the building's display cases. The artwork is on display through most of May.

The evening's’ schedules are:

  • April 11 - FPG, Glenwood, Northside, Scroggs, Culbreth, Carrboro HS; 

  • April 12 -Carrboro ES, McDougle ES, Morris Grove, Seawell, McDougle MS, Smith, Chapel Hill HS; and

  • April 13 - Ephesus, Estes Hills, Rashkis, Phillips, East Chapel Hill HS.
Student Artwork from Past Visions Art Shows